
Im just a typical little person, trying to live life at its fullest. A simple person who loves and enjoys the simple things in life, I do what millions of people do everyday. I'm thoughtful and loving. I am a sweet person and I love surprises! I am very transparent. Anyone will surely be able to trace the sadness in my eyes or the joy that fills my heart. I am very sympathetic to others in need. I love giving and sharing making other people happy gives me so much glee, I am appreciative and I always thank the people who have shown me great compassion in a way that they will never forget. Talk or not, this is your choice, but if you prefer the first one try to be as respectful as possible. I do talk with everybody, gold member or non member as long as that person has something interesting to say. Tip or not again this is your choice. Although I enjoy receiving tips because it helps me a LOT, I will not beg you to tip me. I cannot do this, you are not a walking wallet. Thank you XD

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